Legend has it that my first word was “books”.
Ha, just kidding. But it might as well have been because I’ve loved books since I learned how to read. I’m known for always carrying a book with me (yes, even before Kindle or other e-readers were ever a thing).
If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably been called a book nerd at some point in your life too. I take no offense – reading books is one of my favorite hobbies. It has always been and I suspect it will always be a part of my life.
Combining my love of reading with my hand lettering and illustration skills, I embarked on a project called Bookaholic (because duh, yes, I confess: I am a bookaholic). This series was born because I wanted to create something meaningful to me, as well as to other book lovers.
So thinking about it, I wanted to give away free printables and phone wallpapers with all of these quotes about books.
Why Choose a Hand-Lettered Bookish Quote
Whether you’re looking to decorate your space or simply looking for a wallpaper for your phone, a hand lettering piece is perfect for each occasion. It can be a powerful way to inspire and express yourself because these designs are custom-made and original.
Lettering + Books = Perfection!
So you’re also a book lover…
In the words of Rory and Lorelai Gilmore: “It’s a lifestyle. It’s a religion.” That’s how I feel about books and reading. I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in this. Books are magical. You can live and imagine a thousand lives from the comfort of your own bedroom. I wish I could read books all day – but life gets in the every time, damn it.
The question here really is: why not be surrounded by books all the time? So yes, let’s get those hand-lettered quotes about books in our life, as soon as possible.
Free Printables – Lettering Quotes About Books
Do you want to print all these amazing hand lettering quotes about books at home? Don’t you worry your pretty little mind. I’ve got you covered! You can get these FREE printables delivered to your inbox right away. 🥰
12 Hand Lettering Quotes About Books
What I love about these quotes is that they resonate with my reader self in so many ways. Girls just wanna have fun? No, girls just wanna read books. Love at first sight? No, love at first chapter! These are all little plays on some well-known phrases, but they come with a bookish twist.
Which one of these bookish quotes is your favorite? Let me know in the comments which one resonated with you best! If you happen to have any questions about lettering or books, pop up in the comments section as well. And please don’t hesitate to share these printables and wallpapers with other book lovers!